Economic Empowerment for Female Entrepreneurs

The key to inclusion and fair representation is economic empowerment and accessible financial education for both aspiring and existing female entrepreneurs. Our new project gives youth and adult women the tools and confidence to answer this socio-economic challenge, and is fully inclusive of disabled and non-disabled beneficiaries alike.

Through a combination of comprehensive training workshops, financial and resource support, and nationwide accessible advocacy, our project is committed to sustainable change in Cambodia for existing and aspiring female entrepreneurs living in poverty.

We will never see a fair representation of women across all sectors until they are given the resources and support with which to achieve economic independence and autonomy.

I am very grateful to have taken part in this project helping women business people in my community. Before I started, I did not know how to record my income and expenses for my house and my small business. Now that I have the right information, my shop is doing much better.”


Creating Ambassadors for Change

In Cambodia, the exclusion of disabled and disadvantaged young women is commonplace. Young girls are bound by traditional expectations that do not allow them choice or autonomy. Disabled girls are kept hidden in the home to be spared the shame of cultural stigmas, education is inaccessible to them, and they are denied the opportunity to participate in their communities.

Inclusive Cambodia understands the vital importance of promoting change through educating the youth of Cambodia. We conduct participatory workshops that aim to educate, unify, and lift the voices of the young women we work with, so that they may be ambassadors for change in their own communities. Our workshops are designed to raise awareness of gender and disability discrimination, educational disparity and the importance of education.

It is our hope that they will help strategise our gender equality projects as they grow, and take the lead in their execution. It is also our hope that some of these young women will staff Inclusive Cambodia one day, sit on its board of directors, and take the lead in guiding the future of our organisation.